How-to: Fry chicken

I couldn’t wait to post this how-to on frying chicken.  I know a lot of people don’t like to fry chicken. I get it,  the mess, the grease, what  to do with the grease. How do I know the chicken is done?  Did I season it well enough?   This post will answer all those questions and more so I…

How to: make confectioners sugar

Call it what you like-confectioners sugar, icing sugar or powdered sugar, today I am here to tell you that you can make your own.  That you will never again have to purchase it unless of course you want to. I myself intend to never buy the stuff again.  Don’t worry we won’t be putting anyone…

how-to: roast garlic

One of the worst food crimes I ever committed was purchasing a jar of prepared roasted garlic.  The taste was so bad that for years I wrinkled my nose at any food or recipe  that contained roasted garlic.   I was doomed to forever associate how it should taste with that awful store-bought jar.   Which really would have been a shame.   Thankfully I got…